Country Of Origin

Instantly check the country of origin of 1 billion+ components

With distributors making components in various countries around the globe, keeping track of where parts are made is difficult and hard to monitor. With unpredictable events happening around the globe every day that could impact the manufacturing sites of your parts, knowing what part is made in which country, can help you avoid geopolitical and geographic issues that may arise and halt your production.

Z2Data’s Part Risk Manager enables you to easily view the country of origin of 1 Billion+ components. This information allows you to easily manage country-related risks associated with using specific suppliers from countries that may be affected by current trade regulations, tariffs, and political tensions. Part Risk Manager also enables you to manage inventory when multi-sourcing from different countries. In emergency situations such as the recent 2019 flood across 32 provinces in Thailand, or coronavirus that is impacting sites worldwide, rapid management of inventory allows you to switch global suppliers quickly.

To start mitigating risk and have better insight into where your components are made, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

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