Compliance Manager
Manage and mitigate all your product and trade compliance needs in one platform with access to deep data, analytics, and cross collaboration tools. Manage your documentation and entire regulatory need in one place, create reports and certifications, assess, and mitigate your regulatory risks and stay ahead of any changes with system alerts on regulatory and supplier compliance risks.
Meet your Compliance & ESG Objectives
What’s a Rich Text element?
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
Certificate of Compliance
Access compliance status for various regulations
With laws and regulations often changing regarding minerals and substances that can be used in electronic and mechanical components, it is difficult to stay on top of the latest information regarding compliance statuses of components that can impact the manufacturing and distribution of your products. Z2Data's advanced software enables you to view and download the latest certificates of compliance on 1 billion+ components. Z2Data's Compliance Manager provides Certificates of Compliance for all of the following:
- RoHS
- China RoHS
- CA Prop 65
- Conflict Minerals
- UK Modern Slavery Act
- Substance Analysis by Regulations
- IEC Regulations Standards
- Lead-Free Status
- And more.
Having the latest status of compliance for your current and future components ensures that you are safe to sell your products in different countries and regions, all with different in-laws and regulations. If a particular part that you are using is not compliant to a countries requirements, your product will be held at the border which can be costly and slow down production.
To get access to the latest certificates of compliance that can impact your products, request a free trial with Z2Data's Compliance Manager.
REACH Compliance
Are your components REACH compliant?
REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals) is an EU regulation dedicated to providing authorization, transparency, and restriction around chemicals used in manufacturing and transportations of electronic components. The objective of the regulation is to improve human health and the environment by identifying potentially harmful substances. REACH stands for:
- Registration – Manufacturers are required to submit hazardous properties of all substances during the manufacturing and transportation process of the electronic components to the European Chemical Agency.
- Evaluation – The European Chemical Agency provides a dossier evaluation and substance evaluation of the details submitted. Additional information may be required.
- Authorization – The European Chemical Agency allows for certain substances of concern that can be authorized for use under restricted circumstances.
- Restriction of Chemicals – Any chemical substances deemed unsafe may be restricted by the European Chemical Agency.
Having components that are REACH compliant is mandatory if producing or shipping into any of the European Union countries. Therefore, checking the compliance of the parts you are using is critical in ensuring that your products will be able to enter these countries and not be held at the border. Checking documentation of each component is time-consuming and disrupts your ability to compare parts that are REACH compliant quickly. Z2Data provides the latest compliance status and full source documentation of REACH compliance. Easily download and view the source directly from the compliance feature page. Under certain circumstances, REACH may authorize the substances of concern to be used. In such instances, a link to the manufacturer's documentation is provided.
To check REACH compliance status for 1 billion+ components, request a free trial with Z2Data's Compliance Manager.
UK Modern Slavery Act
Stay informed about company-wide regulation compliance
In 2015, the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed the UK Modern Slavery Act. The law includes provisions to prohibit the trafficking of individuals for the purpose of modern slavery. The law requires that businesses disclose statements confirming steps to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place inside the business.
Being aware of the terms which the manufacturer of your components is operating under is necessary in order to avoid any conflicts that may arise due to a lack of compliance on their behalf, which will in turn, affect the production of your products. With regulations constantly changing, keeping up with supplier announcements regarding their compliance with these regulations is tedious and time-consuming, and can drastically impact your production/brand image. But with Z2Data's descriptive compliance reports and documentation sourcing, you can easily check any disclosures and documentation made available by suppliers regarding their compliance with the most current laws and regulations like the UK Modern Slavery Act, and stay updated if their actions can impact your products.
To stay informed about the latest regulations that can impact your supply chain, request a free trial with Z2Data's Compliance Manager.
European Union RoHS (Restriction of hazardous substances)
Are your components RoHS compliant?
EU RoHS is the EU's regulation restricting hazardous substances such as (lead, mercury, cadmium, and chromium, etc.) in electronic components. The objective of the regulation is to increase the recycling of hazardous substances. Compliance with this regulation is required for any electronic components entering the EU. Without certification of compliance, shipments of electronic components will be held at the border. To avoid any transportation issues into countries in the European Union, you need the latest information on the compliance status of all your parts. Manually searching for material declaration and compliance status of every single part can be a time-consuming task.
Z2Data’s Compliance Manager provides easy-to-view EU RoHS compliant statuses and notifications on 1 billion+ electronic components. Full source documentation of EU RoHS compliance from manufacturers is available for download. If the electronic component is compliant based on an exemption, the exemption type will also be specified.
To get the latest compliance certification and their sources, request a free trial with Z2Data's Compliance Manager.
Lead-Free Status
Latest lead status on 1 billion+ components
In addition to compliance with RoHS on hazardous materials, due to environmental factors, lead-free electronic components are rising in popularity. The European Union has issued notice to manufacturers to use lead-free alternatives in their electronic components. Exemptions are made for defense materials however, for consumer electronics, lead-free status is mandated whenever possible.
With lead being one of the most regulated substances, it is important to know if the component you are using is lead-free. Having an updated status of whether or not your product is lead-free is critical in building a product that will be compliant to regulations like RoHS that minimize the use of lead. Z2Data's Compliance Manager enables you to easily view the lead-free status of components and confidently make the best decision regarding parts that are going into your products.
Request a free-trial with Z2Data's Compliance Manager to get the latest lead-free status of your components.
International Electrotechnical Commission Regulation Standards
Ensure your electronic components comply with IEC regulation standards
IEC regulation standards are international standards for all electrical, electronic, and related technologies. These standards cover all energy products, equipment, and electronic components. An IEC testing and certification is issued on all electronic components. Z2Data’s Compliance Manager provides easy-to-view compliant statuses of IEC regulation standards and notifications on 1 billion+ electronic and mechanical components. Full source documentation of IEC regulation standards and related compliance from manufacturers are easily available to view and download for your needs.
To view the latest IEC standards and certification, request a free trial with Z2Data's Compliance Manager.
Full Material Declaration
Get instant access to Full Material Declaration documentation from the supplier
Full Material Declaration is an XML file that contains all the details of an electronic component. It can be downloaded and imported into Product Lifecycle Management tools. Product Managers can use this file to cross-check compliance statuses and compliance details for intelligent supply chain decisions. Searching through numerous websites of various suppliers, trying to locate their full material declaration forms to ensure that the materials that they are using in their parts are safe and compliant is an inefficient procedure. Z2Data's Compliance Manager provides Full Material Declaration forms and direct links to the source if they have made them available to the public.
To view Full Material Declaration documentation of electronic and mechanical components, request a free trial of Z2Data's Compliance Manager.
Conflict Minerals
Ensure the minerals in your components will not slow down your production
Conflict minerals are defined as minerals that are extracted in Congo. Although the term originated in the United States, globally, the Responsible Minerals Initiative is considered the industry standard to report on conflict minerals compliance for all supply chains. In both the European Union and the United States, there are separate laws governing the disclosure of conflict minerals in electronic components. Regional certifications of conflict minerals will need to be provided to ensure compliance. Z2Data’s Compliance Manager provides easy-to-view compliant statuses and notifications on conflict minerals to ensure that you are building products that do not include banned substances.
With extensive regulations being added regarding the manufacturing and distribution of electronic and mechanical parts, having the latest information on minerals that your components are made of, can help you minimize the impact on your supply chain and ensure that you will not be posed with national or global regulations that may halt sales.
To get the latest information regarding conflict minerals and components, request a free trial with Z2Data's Compliance Manager.
China RoHS
Instantly check China RoHS compliance status for your components
China RoHS is the Chinese regulation restricting hazardous substances such as (lead, mercury, cadmium, and chromium, etc..) in electronic components. The objective of the regulation is to increase the recycling of hazardous substances. Unlike EU RoHS, Chinese regulations place importance on transparency rather than restriction. Certificates of compliance outline the need to present a detailed substance list of any electronic component entering China. In order to have the ability to sell your products in China, you need to have components that are compliant with China RoHS.
Checking the China RoHS compliance status for each of your components is time-consuming and requires opening up hundreds of datasheets and manufacturer websites. Z2Data's Compiance Manager enables you to instantly check the status of your components. We provide the source directly from the supplier, so you have access to the official documentation of compliance if needed.
Ensure China RoHS compliance of your components by requesting a free trial of Z2Data's Compliance
California Proposition 65
View Prop 65 compliance status
CA Prop 65 is a California State regulation that requires businesses to declare warnings on products that contain chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. Electronic components that contain harmful chemicals on a list provided by the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard must show a warning. If products that contain these chemicals are not labeled the company can be sued and face serious consequences.
If any of your products are to be sold in California, you need to label them and let all users know if the chemicals from your components will be a risk to their health. With new substances being added yearly to the Proposition 65 list, it is critical to stay on top of the compliance status of these parts from manufacturers. Z2Data's Compliance Manager enables you to instantly check compliance status and download full source documentation of CA Prop 65 compliance.
Request a free trial from Z2Data's Compliance Manager to get the latest information on compliance with CA Prop 65.
Benefits of Compliance Manager

Instant Compliance Analysis
Instant out-of-the-box compliance analysis on your products, BOMs, and AVL. (RoHS to REACH, China RoHS, SCIP, CA Prop 65, Conflict Minerals, CMRT, TSCA, UK Modern Slavery Act and more.) Z2Data's software analyzes your product FMDs to provide a calculated compliance status.
Compliance Risk Scores
Easily upload & check the compliance risk of your BOMs. View the Compliance Risk Score of 1 Billion+ electronic & mechanical components. The Compliance Risk Score considers compliance with environmental regulations such as RoHS, REACH, China RoHS, and more.
Centralized Project Management
Manage all your compliance documentation and work collaboratively in one centralized platform. Data is meticulously updated and maintained to ensure clean and normalized data.
Product Compliance Templates
Once product is compliant, generate and export product level compliance templates and documentation
Full Service Compliance
If you want to get 100% compliance on all your parts, you can contract out Z2Data to survey your suppliers for you to get the required compliance information.
System Integrations
Seamless Integration and API with your business applications as well as easy import/export features for internal PLM or ERP system collaboration.
Increase Efficiency and Profitability
Achieve operational excellence in a volatile global marketplace.
Does Compliance Manager Work for You?
Compliance Engineers
Ensure product and supplier compliance with ever-changing global regulations like RoHS, REACH, and more.
Component Engineers
Through full-source documentation and analysis, make sure every component of your product complies with global regulations.
Design Engineers
Easily conduct part searches and view qualification details to ensure parts in your designs are compliant.
Dynamic Pricing Based on Your Needs
Start mitigating component risk with a 14 day free trial
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Paid Subscription
Compliance Manager pricing depends on how many parts you need data on and the number of users who need access. To give you the best possible experience with Z2Data, we need to understand your specific needs.
Please request pricing below and we will be in touch to give you a personalized overview of the solution and discuss pricing.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is my data secure?
Z2Data is SOC 2 Type 1 and 2 compliant and goes through multiple penetration tests every year to ensure that our customers data is secure. To learn more about our security measure contact us!
Can I upload full BOMs in Compliance Manager?
Z2Data's Compliance Manager allows you to easily upload your most complex BOMs and populate data in a matter of seconds.
Can I receive compliance data through APIs?
All the data that is available through Z2Data’s products can be accessed through API. All the data is also exportable if you would like to use it in your internal systems.
Can each module be stand alone or do they build on each other?
No tool/module is required for the other tool/module to work. In other words, they can be used as standalone tools. Using them together provides more analysis and intelligence to the data around risk.
Is the 14-day free trial really free?
Yes! You can try all the capabilities of Z2Data's Compliance Manager for free without a credit card or PO. Sign up here to get started!