Part Risk Manager

Get instant access to 1 Billion+ components' data ranging from lifecycle status, lifecycle forecast, regulatory compliance, market availability, cross references and more.

Start Free Trial

Make Smarter Component Decisions with Smarter Data

Upload BOMs & Populate Data

Effectively Manage Your BOMs

Z2Data's Part Risk Manager allows you to easily upload your most complex BOMs and populate data in a matter of seconds. Reorganizing and cleaning your BOMs in order to match a specific format takes a lot of time, effort, and is subject to human error. You may be forced to rename columns or rearrange your data in order to analyze your BOM effectively. Z2Data can help. Z2Data's Part Risk Manager can automatically label the column names and the advanced software will analyze your BOM.

When uploading your BOM in Z2Data we can handle any size and format, at a bare minimum all we need is a column with MPNs and another with supplier names, and once this data is uploaded, the tool will populate and analyze your data accordingly. After uploading your BOMs you can save it to the tool in order to quickly access, analyze, and adjust it from that point on. Simply upload it one time, save it to a folder and the Part Risk Manager will maintain your BOM for you.

To simplify your BOM management, sign-up for a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Upload BOMs & Populate Data

Advanced Part Search

Easily search 1Billion+ components

Don't have the exact part number? Z2Data enables you to search for components using various channels. The advanced search capabilities of Z2Data's Part Risk Manager enables you to get information on parametric features, compliance status, package, lifecycle, top suppliers, top customers, and more. If you do not have the exact MPN or IPN of the part you are searching for, you can use Z2Data's Parametric Search feature to view all the components in our database and filter down to the manufacturer, lifecycle status, and other preferred specs to find the best part for your needs.

Part Risk Manager from Z2Data allows you to search by:

  • Part Number
  • MPN
  • IPN
  • Family
  • Description
  • Supplier
  • and more.

To start searching Z2Data's in-depth data on electronic and mechanical components, sign up for a free trial for Part Risk Manager today.

Advanced Part Search

Part Details

Navigate in-depth details for electronic and mechanical components

Searching through outdated datasheets, excel forms, manufacturer websites, material declaration forms, and other sources that contain information important about the details of components is a redundant task that is inefficient and time-consuming. By gathering and normalizing data on all these details, Z2Data's Part Risk Manager enables you to get a holistic and in-depth view of specs and critical information on 1 billion+ components.

The part detail feature provides information on various attributes including:

  • Part Score & Overview
  • Family Information
  • Parametric Features
  • Lifecycle Forecast
  • Compliance Status
  • PCNs and Obsolescence
  • Crosses
  • Market Availability & Pricing.
  • And more

Start a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager and get instant access to part details and component specifications.

Part Details

Advanced Parametric Search

Search and easily view parametric features of 1 billion+ components

When designing or looking for new parts for your products, having the most in-depth data about parametric features is essential to designing a product that is functional and operates the way you want it to. Spending hours looking through various PDF sheets and contacting suppliers to get the latest information on parametric features can slow you down drastically. With so many features to compare and search between, Part Risk Manager's Advance Parametric Search enables you to search and filter components with the parametric features that fit the form and function that is most appropriate for your products.

Z2Data's Part Risk Manager provides parametric data on:

  • Operating Temperature
  • Packaging Type
  • Technology
  • Memory Size
  • Organization
  • Voltage Information
  • Moisture Sensitivity Level
  • Tolerance
  • and more.

To easily search parametric features and find the most fitting component for your designs, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Advanced Parametric Search

Custom Reports

Build your own custom reports

Z2Data provides premade reports where you upload your BOM and can obtain a report on the crosses associated with each part, product change notifications, pricing reports, supplier reports, but also allows you to build your own reports. You can select the columns in your BOM that you want to investigate and then select the information that is important to you. This ranges from:

  • Parametric Features
  • Package Data
  • Supplier Data
  • Lifecycle Data
  • Inventory & Market Data
  • Risk Analysis Data
  • And more.

Part Risk Manager enables you to create custom reports for as many BOMs as you wish and export them in any format you like. Rather than receiving a report on your entire BOM, you have the option to apply filters to all the reports so that you are only receiving information on the parts and suppliers you are concerned with.

To start building custom reports and better analyze your BOMs, request a free-trial for Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Custom Reports

BOM Risk Grades

Are your BOMs at risk?

With so many factors playing a role in the overall health of your BOMs, rather than just providing you data, Part Risk Manager analyzes several datapoints and provides an overall Risk Score associated with your BOMs. To provide the most accurate evaluation of your BOMs, the tool looks at the end of life forecast associated with each of your parts, how well you multisource, the health of your suppliers, and more.

Your risk grade is on a scale of 0-100, 100 meaning that there is no risk associated with your BOM, all components are multisourced, all your suppliers are stable, and all components are active on the market and will continue to remain so for years to come. Z2Data provides a "potential BOM score" which is an improved potential risk associated with your BOM if you make a few adjustments. Recommendations on what parts or suppliers you can choose to lower your overall risk score are also provided.

To better assess risk and take proactive actions related to your BOMs, request a free-trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

BOM Risk Grades

BOM Reports

Access detailed reports on your BOMs

In information systems tools, you are provided with lots of information and you might find yourself spending hours looking if you are only concerned with understanding certain data points such as pricing or Product Change Notices. Z2Data has already built out reports that you can export after having uploaded your bill of material. After uploading your BOMs, Part Risk Manager provides premade reports that are auto-populated with in-depth information on your bill of materials. You can run your BOM reports based on your internal part number and/or the manufacturer's part number. Part Risk Manager provides reports on:

  • Crosses Associated with Each Part
  • Product Change Notifications
  • Pricing
  • Suppliers
  • Conflict Minerals
  • and more.

To obtain detailed automated reports on your BOMs, request a free-trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

BOM Reports

Bill of Materials Lifecycle Forecasts

Forecast the lifespan of your bill of materials

You may have a bill of material that consists of hundreds of electronic and mechanical components. In order to evaluate the lifecycle associated with each of your components, several data points need to be taken into consideration. Collecting data on each of these components and analyzing it to make an accurate forecast takes an extensive amount of time, effort, and can become tedious. Z2Data's Part Risk Manager enables you to easily upload your BOMs and get the latest lifecycle forecast so you can take proactive action and combat costly component changes that can impact your production.

Our forecast is based on notifications from the suppliers regarding LTBs or obsolescence notifications. Z2Data analyzes data on when the part was introduced, technology, and family of the part, and provides an accurate forecast for you to understand when you need to start rethinking the parts in your BOM.

To efficiently forecast accurate lifecycle statuses of your BOMs, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

BOM Lifecycle Forecasts

Advanced Cross Search

Find crosses and replacements for 1 billion+ electronic components

With ongoing design changes and part obsolescence, searching for component crosses can be time-consuming and subject to human error with so many details to analyze. Simply by searching for any MPN Z2Data's Park Risk Manager enables you to easily view form-fit-function crosses from multiple suppliers or replacements from the same supplier. When searching for crosses, Z2Data's Advanced Cross Search provides data on:

  • Drop-In A: All crosses that have the same package and pinout with 0 differences in parametric features.
  • Drop-In B: All crosses that have the same package and pinout with minor differences in parametric features.
  • Drop-In C: All crosses that have the same package and pinout with major differences in parametric features.
  • Other Packages: All cross parts that have similar functionality but differences in package.

Compare supplier, family data, cross-grade, lifecycle, pricing, lead time, market availability, part score, parametric features, and more all on one easy to view platform.

To start crossing your parts today, start a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Advanced Cross Search

BOM Compliance Views

Is your BOM Environmentally Compliant?

Compliance is an important issue for many companies. Both to meet regulations and to have a better environmental footprint. Finding compliance documentation and status is time-consuming and requires a lot of manual work.

If you want to make sure all the parts in your BOMs are compliant, you can upload your BOMs into Part Risk Manager and you are then provided with the status of compliance with halogen-free, RoHS, REACH, and more. We also provide Full Material Declaration documents for each of the parts in your BOM. We tell you what is not compliant so that you can make changes if necessary. Every part that is deemed compliant has documentation associated with it to prove it's compliance and thereby enabling you to have much more time rather than scrolling through independent sources looking for parts and the compliance documentation associated with those parts. Simply by uploading your BOMs, the latest compliance status and official documentation for all your components are provided.

To check the compliance of your BOMs, request a free-trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

BOM Compliance Views

Compare parts

Compare 1 Billion+ electronic and mechanical components instantly

Comparing thousands of parts to find the best option for your products and BOMs can be time-consuming and subject to human error using excel files and PDF documents. Z2Data's Part Risk Manager enables you to search by MPN or IPN and do a side-by-side comparison of all the elements that make up the parts that you are looking for.

Part Risk Manager from Z2Data provides accurate data on similarities and differences of 1 Billion+ components ranging from parametric, market price, lead time, obsolescence, lifecycle, and more. Easily compare and find the most appropriate components for your needs.

Design & Component Engineers can compare parametric differences on:

  • Package Type
  • Technology
  • Pin Count
  • Dimensions
  • Timing Type
  • Voltage Information
  • MSL
  • And more

Procurement & Buyers can easily compare information on:

  • Market Availability
  • Prices from Authorized Distributors
  • Lead Time
  • Part Risk Scores
  • And more.

Need to compare parts for your next design? Start a free-trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager and start comparing your components today.

Compare parts

Easy Export

Export all reports into your favorite format

You may find what you are looking for in the tool and would like to save it for your records or show other colleagues. All the information that is provided through Part Risk Manager, is easily exportable into any of your favorite formats. Part Risk Manager from Z2Data enables you to export reports on your BOMs, build your own reports to export, and also export data on parts that you have searched into Excel, CSV file, or Text.

Z2Data also provides information on parts, suppliers, manufacturing sites, parametric data, product categories, and families. As you explore the tool and pull data on these different features, you can export anything you find to be interesting. The tool does not only export reports but also exports your searches and the specific pieces of information you are interested in so you can easily share and view the information in the format that you prefer.

To learn more about how you can easily export reports in your favorite formats, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Easy Export

Franchised Distributors

Who sells my suppliers parts?

You may be scrambling trying to find parts from a reputable distributor or broker. As opposed to searching through the websites of the distributors that you are familiar with, you can easily view authorized distributors as well as independent distributor information from around the world.

The Part Risk Manager tool from Z2Data provides you with the name of each of these franchised distributors and a score associated with each so that you know how reliable they are in getting you what you need. Ultimately, obtaining the part is the end goal and by understanding what companies work with your supplier, you can conduct the most accurate search to find the right distributor who will get your product for the best price and lead time.

To access information on distributors around the globe, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Franchised Distributors

Full Supplier Profile

Assess and compare supplier risk

Many organizations may feel that after vetting their suppliers that they have already accounted for all aspects of risk. However, it is critical to consistently monitor the financial, operational, and legal health of your suppliers even after onboarding is complete. In an effort to stay on top of suppliers, you may search the internet or call suppliers for weekly updates. As opposed to finding and piecing together various pieces of supplier information, Z2Data offers one point of truth. This information allows you to maintain a “big picture” of the supply chain, manage supplier and distributor relationships, and re-evaluate supplier risk in real-time. In emergencies such as natural disasters and recovery scenarios, having instant access to comprehensive supplier profiles can contribute to a significant comparative advantage.

Each supplier profile covers datapoints on:

  • Supplier Financials
  • Portfolio of Top Products
  • Distributors
  • Competitors/Customers
  • Manufacturing Locations
  • Supply Chain
  • And more.

Z2Data has allocated hundreds of data points on each of your suppliers in order for you to view a complete supplier risk profile. You are provided with a supplier score that assesses the risk of working with that supplier on a scale of 0-100. The datapoints listed above factor into the supplier score and are constantly updated. By having an unbiased 3rd party platform providing you accurate information on a daily basis, you no longer have to search manually for information or be forced to rely on solely your supplier's word. You can confidently verify that the suppliers you work with, are in fact safe and will not pose harm to your business.

To evaluate supplier health, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Full Supplier Profile

Mergers & Acquisitions

Track the latest mergers and acquisitions in the market

There may be times when a major supplier obsoletes a product line without notice and you could be blindsided. After further investigation, you may notice that they were bought by a competitor who has a similar product line. That acquisition led to the discontinuation of one product line or the consolidation of two separate lines. Had you been aware of the acquistion you could have planned accordingly by diversifying your risk around that part, finding other suppliers, or similar crosses that are readily available.

Part Risk Manager enables you to easily access mergers/acquisition information on your suppliers and other corporate events that may be affecting their product lines or operations. Having readily available information on these topics allows you to stay up to date in real-time on your supplier and changes to their business.

To stay up to date with the latest mergers and acquisitions of your suppliers, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Mergers & Acquisitions

UK Modern Slavery Act

Stay informed about company-wide regulation compliance

In 2015, the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed the UK Modern Slavery Act. The law includes provisions to prohibit the trafficking of individuals for the purpose of modern slavery. The law requires that businesses disclose statements confirming steps to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place inside the business.

Being aware of the terms which the manufacturer of your components is operating under is necessary in order to avoid any conflicts that may arise due to a lack of compliance on their behalf, which will in turn, affect the production of your products. With regulations constantly changing, keeping up with supplier announcements regarding their compliance with these regulations is tedious and time-consuming, and can drastically impact your production/brand image. But with Z2Data's descriptive compliance reports and documentation sourcing, you can easily check any disclosures and documentation made available by suppliers regarding their compliance with the most current laws and regulations like the UK Modern Slavery Act, and stay updated if their actions can impact your products.

To stay informed about the latest regulations that can impact your supply chain, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

UK Modern Slavery Act

Technology Roadmap

Track all technology changes affecting your components

Z2Data’s Part Risk Manager provides you with the technology roadmap of your family of products. Technology changes such as power, speed, and space within the family of products can have a significant impact on cost, product risk, and product marketability. Technology changes can have a significant impact on the functionality of your products and manufacturers and distributors may not always alert you when there is a newer technology available or if any changes are made. Z2Data's Part Risk manager enables you to easily view the entire technology roadmap of your family of products for intelligent supplier decisions by family.

To view historical and up-to-date data on the technology roadmap of a family of products, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Technology Roadmap

Supplier Part Replacements

Easily search and compare replacements from the same supplier

Checking the website of your distributor, searching through datasheets, and PDF documents, hoping to find components with similar parametric features to the one you are replacing can be a hassle with so many replacement possibilities and parametric features that need to be taken into consideration for the design of your product. If you are currently using a component in your product that may be going obsolete or is no longer manufactured, Z2Data's Part Risk Manager enables you to find replacements from the same distributor, so you do not have to worry about uncertainties that come with buying parts from a supplier that you have not worked with before.

Instantly get access to supplier replacements for components from a vast pool of global manufacturers. Our pre-comparison of parametric data across components from different suppliers allows you to determine at-a-glance the replacement type such as drop-in replacement, upgrade replacement, etc. Our platform helps you manage replacement decisions by showing you all the choices from the same manufacturer.

To easily view replacements for components that are going obsolete, request a free trial from Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Supplier Part Replacements

European Union RoHS (Restriction of hazardous substances)

Are your components RoHS compliant?

EU RoHS is the EU's regulation restricting hazardous substances such as (lead, mercury, cadmium, and chromium, etc.) in electronic components. The objective of the regulation is to increase the recycling of hazardous substances. Compliance with this regulation is required for any electronic components entering the EU. Without certification of compliance, shipments of electronic components will be held at the border. To avoid any transportation issues into countries in the European Union, you need the latest information on the compliance status of all your parts. Manually searching for material declaration and compliance status of every single part can be a time-consuming task.

Z2Data’s Part Risk Manager provides easy-to-view EU RoHS compliant statuses and notifications on 1 billion+ electronic components. Full source documentation of EU RoHS compliance from manufacturers is available for download. If the electronic component is compliant based on an exemption, the exemption type will also be specified.

To get the latest compliance certification and their sources, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.


REACH Compliance

Are your components REACH compliant?

REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals) is an EU regulation dedicated to providing authorization, transparency, and restriction around chemicals used in manufacturing and transportations of electronic components. The objective of the regulation is to improve human health and the environment by identifying potentially harmful substances. REACH stands for:

  • Registration – Manufacturers are required to submit hazardous properties of all substances during the manufacturing and transportation process of the electronic components to the European Chemical Agency.
  • Evaluation – The European Chemical Agency provides a dossier evaluation and substance evaluation of the details submitted. Additional information may be required.
  • Authorization – The European Chemical Agency allows for certain substances of concern that can be authorized for use under restricted circumstances.
  • Restriction of Chemicals – Any chemical substances deemed unsafe may be restricted by the European Chemical Agency.

Having components that are REACH compliant is mandatory if producing or shipping into any of the European Union countries. Therefore, checking the compliance of the parts you are using is critical in ensuring that your products will be able to enter these countries and not be held at the border. Checking documentation of each component is time-consuming and disrupts your ability to compare parts that are REACH compliant quickly. Z2Data provides the latest compliance status and full source documentation of REACH compliance. Easily download and view the source directly from the compliance feature page. Under certain circumstances, REACH may authorize the substances of concern to be used. In such instances, a link to the manufacturer's documentation is provided.

To check REACH compliance status for 1 billion+ components, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.


Product Portfolio

Find the top product lines of your suppliers

It is difficult to keep up with the product lines of your suppliers, therefore when investing in a supplier for a specific commodity, it is possible that the supplier makes spontaneous changes to those commodities that they do not heavily depend on. Z2Data's Part Risk Manager provides product portfolios that list the top products your suppliers sell, the technological families within each product, and the parts within each family. This enables you to get a deeper insight into your supplier's product catalog and allows you to diversify your suppliers.

By having the latest information on your supplier's top product lines, you can mitigate risk around potential discontinuation or last time buy notices on a part that you depend heavily on. On each supplier page, the top products are listed. You can select the product tab to see all products that each supplier sells and go deeper by investigating the families/parts associated with that product.

To get the latest information about your supplier's top products, start a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Product Portfolio

Product Change Notices & Product Discontinuance Notifications

Get access to PCNs and PDNs on your components

Staying up to date with the latest product change notices can enable users to make changes accordingly and be proactive about their component decisions. Instead of being surprised by product changes, Z2Data's Part Risk Manager provides you with up to date data on PCNs and PDNs so you can proactively manage changes through the lifecycle of your products. Product change notices from the suppliers across PCN categories such as discontinuance, assembly site, reactivation, and new releases are provided through PCN Manager. Z2data provides all of the PCNs that are announced but enables you to filter and focus on the ones that can have a significant impact on your production so you do not have to worry about every single notice that is put out by suppliers.

Part Change Notices that Z2Data's Part Risk Manager provides include:

  • Obsolescence
  • Labeling Alerts
  • Product Discontinuance Notifications
  • Packing Change Alerts
  • Storage & Handling Alerts
  • Material Change Alerts
  • Wafer Site Changes
  • And more.

Many suppliers fail to put individual product numbers that will be impacted by PCNs and only mention the top-level product lines that can be impacted. Z2Data provides alerts based on the individual part numbers that can be impacted the same day that a notice is put out. For supplier audit and review, PCNs are also reviewed against JEDEC standards.

To manage PCNs across suppliers and products on one platform, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.


Budgetary Pricing & Lead Time

Access real-time information on pricing and lead time

With data on over 10,000 suppliers, Z2Data's Part Risk Manager gives you the most recent information on budgetary pricing and lead time of 1 Billion+ components. With various distributors selling the parts that you are looking for, searching the web for hours looking for the best pricing and lead time is time-consuming and inefficient.

Get instant access to information on:

  • Market availability of components
  • Name and amount of sellers that currently selling the component you are looking for
  • Lowest price offered by distributors
  • Market lead time for the production of components
  • The standard lead time of parts

Z2Data's Part Risk Manager enables you to compare price, lead time, the type of distributor they are (private, authorized), and access direct links to the distributor's website so you can compare and purchase components. With our deep database on lead time and pricing, you can better predict when you will receive your components and what the cost will be.

To get access to the latest pricing and lead time, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Budgetary Pricing & Lead Time

Part Risk / Part Score

Mitigate component risk

Researching and obtaining information on factors that make up your parts, exporting and organizing it into excel sheets, and analyzing it to make the right decision on what part to purchase is not only time consuming, but labor-intensive and inefficient. With technology upgrades and constant changes, self-built excel files can become inaccurate and outdated easily. Obsolescence, compliance with various requirements, availability of a part in the market, technological upgrades and downgrades that can impact the function and parametric of components, availability of crosses and replacement of parts, and overall risk of buying a part from various suppliers are all important factors that need to be taken into account when purchasing a component.

Z2Data's Part Risk Manager analyzes various data points and provides a comprehensive score for each individual component in our vast database of electronic and mechanical components. The data that Z2Data provides is dynamic and is constantly being updated by various dedicated teams. Z2Data analyzes several factors and gives them an individual score which all together make-up the overall Part Score. These include:

  • Obsolescence Risk - The Obsolescence Risk Score takes into account factors such as current lifecycle status, estimated years to end of life, the supplier's obsolescence behavior in the past and more.
  • Compliance Risk - The Compliance Risk Score takes into account a part's compliance with environmental regulations such as RoHS, REACH, China RoHS, and more.
  • Market Availability Risk - The Market Availability Risk Score takes into account factors such as current inventory availability from authorized distributors, shortages, lead-times, and more.
  • Technology Risk - The Technology Risk Score measures whether a part has newer technology upgrades available or is a legacy technology.
  • Multi-Sourcing Risk - The Multi-Sourcing Risk Score measures whether a part can easily be crossed to other suppliers.
  • Supplier Risk - The Supplier Risk Score takes into account factors such as this supplier's financial performance, impactful current litigations, years in business, employee count, and more.

To start mitigating component risk, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Part Risk / Part Score

Technology Upgrades / Downgrades

Stay up-to-date with the latest technology upgrades & downgrades

Technology upgrades/downgrades can be hard to track if you are not consistently checking component information given by suppliers, and reading through PDF sheets to check the latest technological changes that can impact your production. Any technological upgrades or downgrades can determine whether a component is right for your design and products.

Z2Data's Part Risk Manager enables you to instantly access technology upgrades or downgrades for your family of products. Real-time management of your components, taking into account technology upgrades/downgrades can lead to more marketability of your products. Part Risk Manager's technology upgrade/downgrade does the research for you so you do not have to spend valuable time searching through various PDFs and websites trying to find information that often goes unannounced by suppliers.

To stay up-to-date on the latest information regarding technology upgrades and downgrades, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Technology Upgrades / Downgrades

Real-Time Distributor Component Inventory

Plan and purchase accordingly with real-time inventory information

Get instant access to real-time inventory and pricing for the component that you are looking for using Part Risk Manager from Z2Data. Compare price and quantity of components from various manufacturers without having to export data into excel. Getting real-time inventory and pricing of components from different distributors consists of searching through various websites and contacting multiple distributors.

In order to make strategic business decisions about the production of your products, real-time data is essential. The Part Risk Manager platform from Z2Data provides you with real-time information on inventory that is available from each vendor so that you can better plan the production of your product, and get an estimate of price and lead time of components.

To get information on real-time component inventory, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Real-Time Distributor Inventory

Family Lifecycle

Take proactive actions towards your family of components

Taking action once a family has gone obsolete will be costly and can cause panic when trying to find replacements. The ability to actively manage family lifecycles and anticipate changes that may occur can lead to a significant comparative advantage for selling your products in the marketplace and staying away from costly changes due to family obsolescence. Z2Data’s Part Risk Manager enables you to view the lifecycle status of each family.

Understand the availability of your family through an easy-to-view history of lifecycle changes. When a family is “obsolete”, cross-references and replacements can be selected using Z2Data’s cross-reference tool. Lifecycle forecasts are also available inside family details to anticipate changes that may occur. Z2Data's intelligent software, analyzes various data points, from historic data to market availability to determine the lifecycle of components.

To get the latest insight into family lifecycle, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Family Lifecycle

International Electrotechnical Commission Regulation Standards

Ensure your electronic components comply with IEC regulation standards

IEC regulation standards are international standards for all electrical, electronic, and related technologies. These standards cover all energy products, equipment, and electronic components. An IEC testing and certification is issued on all electronic components.  Z2Data’s Part Risk Manager provides easy-to-view compliant statuses of IEC regulation standards and notifications on 1 billion+ electronic and mechanical components. Full source documentation of IEC regulation standards and related compliance from manufacturers are easily available to view and download for your needs.

To view the latest IEC standards and certification, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

IEC Regulation Standards

Parametric Data

Get a detailed view of parametric features of your components

Each component within each product line has different parametric features that are critical when designing a product. Searching through datasheets to find the parametric details of components can slow down the process of picking parts for your designs efficiently and accurately.

Z2Data's Part Risk Manager enables you to view all parametric features related to 1 billion+ electronic components. Easily find Parametric data on:

  • Tolerance
  • Organization
  • Maximum & Minimum Supply Voltage
  • Lead Level
  • Memory Size
  • Measurements
  • Technology
  • Operating Temperatures
  • And many more

To easily view all the parametric features that matter to you, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Parametric Data

Moisture Sensitivity Level

Check the Moisture Sensitivity Level

Moisture Sensitivity Level is an important factor that needs to be taken into consideration when buying electronic components that need to perform under ambient room conditions. Manually searching through various datasheets and PDF documents, trying to find the latest information on the moisture sensitivity data and other parametric data that is critical to the design and function of your products, is time-consuming and outdated. If human error occurs from purchasing a component with the inappropriate moisture sensitivity level, your products will not function correctly and you can be at risk of having components that are incompatible for your products.

Z2Data’s Part Risk Manager allows you instant access to moisture sensitivity level information for easy to manage use cases in component management.

To get the latest moisture sensitivity level information for components, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Moisture Sensitivity Level

Lifecycle Status & History

View lifecycle status and historical data on 1 billion+ components

Understand the availability of component data through an easy-to-view history of lifecycle changes. A lifecycle status such as NRND can determine whether the component is available to be used in production. Using our cross-reference tool, when component data is “obsolete”, cross-references and replacements can be selected for each component. Having the latest information regarding the lifecycle of a part is critical in ensuring that the products that you are designing will have parts that are still being manufactured and not obsolete.

Z2Data's Part Risk Manager analyzes several factors to determine the lifecycle of 1 Billion+ components. The source of the lifecycle status of components is easily available on the platform.

Lifecycle statuses that we provide are:

  • Introduction – When the component is first introduced.
  • Active – When the component is actively on the market.
  • Not Recommended for New Design (NRND) – When the component is not recommended for a new design.
  • Last time buy – The last period before the component will not be available for purchase.
  • Obsolete – The component is no longer available for purchase.

To view lifecycle status and historical data on electronic and mechanical components, start a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Lifecycle Status and History

Part Lifecycle Forecast

Stay ahead of the competition with lifecycle forecasts on 1 billion+ components

With late or no notice from manufacturers regarding obsolescence, you can find yourself panicking and paying high amounts to get crosses or replacements for your products. Failing to stay ahead of the curve when your components go obsolete can heavily impact the production and distribution of your products.

Z2Data's Part Risk Manager enables you to stay informed about component lifecycle statuses so that you can plan ahead and take action before your components go obsolete. Planning ahead will save your businesses from paying high costs for parts that are in high demand due to obsolescence. Z2Data's advanced software uses historical data, market demand, and market availability to give you an accurate forecast on when you should look into changing your parts so you can stay ahead of any risk factors that impact production.

Request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager to get access to lifecycle forecasts on all the components in your BOMs.

Part Lifecycle Forecast

Lead-Free Status

Latest lead status on 1 billion+ components

In addition to compliance with RoHS on hazardous materials, due to environmental factors, lead-free electronic components are rising in popularity. The European Union has issued notice to manufacturers to use lead-free alternatives in their electronic components. Exemptions are made for defense materials however, for consumer electronics, lead-free status is mandated whenever possible.

With lead being one of the most regulated substances, it is important to know if the component you are using is lead-free. Having an updated status of whether or not your product is lead-free is critical in building a product that will be compliant to regulations like RoHS that minimize the use of lead. Z2Data's part risk manager enables you to easily view the lead-free status of components and confidently make the best decision regarding parts that are going into your products.

Request a free-trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager to get the latest lead-free status of your components.

Lead-Free Status

Full Material Declaration

Get instant access to Full Material Declaration documentation from the supplier

Full Material Declaration is an XML file that contains all the details of an electronic component. It can be downloaded and imported into Product Lifecycle Management tools. Product Managers can use this file to cross-check compliance statuses and compliance details for intelligent supply chain decisions. Searching through numerous websites of various suppliers, trying to locate their full material declaration forms to ensure that the materials that they are using in their parts are safe and compliant is an inefficient procedure. Z2Data's Part Risk Manager provides Full Material Declaration forms and direct links to the source if they have made them available to the public.

To view Full Material Declaration documentation of electronic and mechanical components, request a free trial of Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Full Material Declaration

Family Parametric Data

There may be times where you want to get a holistic view of the parametric data related to a family of components. A powerful deep search capability allows you to search by a family of products to view lifecycle, lifecycle forecast, and datasheet information at the family level. Searching product lines by product family will show all the parts belonging to the family and enable intelligent supplier decisions by product lines.

Z2Data's Part  Risk Manager enables you to search and compare all the different parametric features that make up a family of products. The individual part numbers, along with all the specs that make up that particular component are provided so that you can easily search and compare the components that are within the family or product you are looking for.

To get in-depth family parametric data, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Family Parametric Data

Cross References

Easily find cross-references and replacements for 1 billion+ Components

Using excel files to find the best replacements and crosses is time-consuming and with so many different parametric measurements and specs to compare, it is subject to human error. Z2Data's Part Risk Manager provides one of the most accurate and dynamic cross reference tools in the industry. With data on 1 Billion+ electronic and mechanical components, the cross-reference feature enables you to search and instantly view form-fit-function crosses from multiple suppliers.

Z2Data's advanced cross-reference function enables side-by-side technical comparisons of parametric features without ever having to open up another datasheet again. We provide 3 different categories of direct replacements and provide the differences in parametrics so you can confidently buy components that will fit the criteria that you are looking for. These 3 categories include:

  • Drop-In A: All crosses that have the same package and pinout with 0 differences in parametric features.
  • Drop-In B: All crosses that have the same package and pinout with minor differences in parametric features.
  • Drop-In C: All crosses that have the same package and pinout with major differences in parametric features.

By having all of this information accessible on a single platform, you can compare dozens of parametric features, compliance status, and other specifications with the parts that you are looking for to find the best option that suits your needs.

To start searching for cross-references and replacements efficiently on one platform, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Cross References

Datasheets & Version History

Access datasheets for 1 Billion+ electronic and mechanical components instantly.

When searching for parts that will be used in your products, you will at times need to look at the datasheets to get insight into the parametric and specs of the component. With BOMs consisting of a large number of components, searching a manufacturers' websites to find datasheets can be tiresome and tedious. Z2Data’s Part Risk Manager provides links to updated datasheets and version history documentation directly from the manufacturer's website.

The easy-to-use interface alerts you on changes in component details by the manufacturer so that you can track changes and cross-reference each version of the datasheet.

To start streamlining the process of accessing datasheets, request a free trial of Z2Data's Part Risk Manager today.

Datasheets and Version History

Country Of Origin

Instantly check the country of origin of 1 billion+ components

With distributors making components in various countries around the globe, keeping track of where parts are made is difficult and hard to monitor. With unpredictable events happening around the globe every day that could impact the manufacturing sites of your parts, knowing what part is made in which country, can help you avoid geopolitical and geographic issues that may arise and halt your production.

Z2Data’s Part Risk Manager enables you to easily view the country of origin of 1 Billion+ components. This information allows you to easily manage country-related risks associated with using specific suppliers from countries that may be affected by current trade regulations, tariffs, and political tensions. Part Risk Manager also enables you to manage inventory when multi-sourcing from different countries. In emergency situations such as the recent 2019 flood across 32 provinces in Thailand, or coronavirus that is impacting sites worldwide, rapid management of inventory allows you to switch global suppliers quickly.

To start mitigating risk and have better insight into where your components are made, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Country Of Origin

Certificate of Compliance

Access compliance status for various regulations

With laws and regulations often changing regarding minerals and substances that can be used in electronic and mechanical components, it is difficult to stay on top of the latest information regarding compliance statuses of components that can impact the manufacturing and distribution of your products. Z2Data's advanced software enables you to view and download the latest certificates of compliance on 1 billion+ components. Z2Data's Part Risk Manager provides Certificates of Compliance for all of the following:

  • RoHS
  • China RoHS
  • CA Prop 65
  • Conflict Minerals
  • UK Modern Slavery Act
  • Substance Analysis by Regulations
  • IEC Regulations Standards
  • Lead-Free Status
  • And more.

Having the latest status of compliance for your current and future components ensures that you are safe to sell your products in different countries and regions, all with different in-laws and regulations. If a particular part that you are using is not compliant to a countries requirements, your product will be held at the border which can be costly and slow down production.

To get access to the latest certificates of compliance that can impact your products, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Certificate of Compliance

Conflict Minerals

Ensure the minerals in your components will not slow down your production

Conflict minerals are defined as minerals that are extracted in Congo. Although the term originated in the United States, globally, the Responsible Minerals Initiative is considered the industry standard to report on conflict minerals compliance for all supply chains. In both the European Union and the United States, there are separate laws governing the disclosure of conflict minerals in electronic components. Regional certifications of conflict minerals will need to be provided to ensure compliance. Z2Data’s Part Risk Manager provides easy-to-view compliant statuses and notifications on conflict minerals to ensure that you are building products that do not include banned substances.

With extensive regulations being added regarding the manufacturing and distribution of electronic and mechanical parts, having the latest information on minerals that your components are made of, can help you minimize the impact on your supply chain and ensure that you will not be posed with national or global regulations that may halt sales.

To get the latest information regarding conflict minerals and components, request a free trial with Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

Conflict Minerals

China RoHS

Instantly check China RoHS compliance status for your components

China RoHS is the Chinese regulation restricting hazardous substances such as (lead, mercury, cadmium, and chromium, etc..) in electronic components. The objective of the regulation is to increase the recycling of hazardous substances. Unlike EU RoHS, Chinese regulations place importance on transparency rather than restriction. Certificates of compliance outline the need to present a detailed substance list of any electronic component entering China. In order to have the ability to sell your products in China, you need to have components that are compliant with China RoHS.

Checking the China RoHS compliance status for each of your components is time-consuming and requires opening up hundreds of datasheets and manufacturer websites. Z2Data's Part Risk Manager enables you to instantly check the status of your components. We provide the source directly from the supplier, so you have access to the official documentation of compliance if needed.

Ensure China RoHS compliance of your components by requesting a free trial of Z2Data's Part Risk Manager.

China RoHS

California Proposition 65

View Prop 65 compliance status

CA Prop 65 is a California State regulation that requires businesses to declare warnings on products that contain chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. Electronic components that contain harmful chemicals on a list provided by the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard must show a warning. If products that contain these chemicals are not labeled the company can be sued and face serious consequences.  

If any of your products are to be sold in California, you need to label them and let all users know if the chemicals from your components will be a risk to their health. With new substances being added yearly to the Proposition 65 list, it is critical to stay on top of the compliance status of these parts from manufacturers. Z2Data's Part Risk Manager enables you to instantly check compliance status and download full source documentation of CA Prop 65 compliance.

Request a free trial from Z2Data's Part Risk Manager to get the latest information on compliance with CA Prop 65.

California Proposition 65

Benefits of Using Parts Risk Manager

Better Part Selection

Stay informed while making part selection decisions and monitor existing parts with data on Lifecycle, RoHS, Cross-References & Market Availability data and more.

Manage Obsolescence

Keep track of lifecycle status of parts across all of your BOMs and plan product redesigns with Z2Data's proprietary Lifecycle Forecasting algorithms.

Full Compliance Data

Check compliance status of parts and download compliance documentation for regulations ranging from RoHS to REACH, Conflict Minerals, UK Modern Slavery Act, WEEE and more.

BOM Risk Analysis

Conduct deep risk analyses across all of your BOMs and AVLs for issues ranging from obsolescence, compliance and market availability. Export Z2's data to your favorite tools easily.

Monitor Every PCN

Manage PCNs across suppliers and products easily in one centralized location. PCNs are reviewed against JEDEC standards to allow for supplier audit and review.

Lead Time & Pricing

Z2Data’s scoring algorithm predicts suppliers' risk of bankruptcy and assigns risk scores to determine the impact of their financial health on your supply chain.

Increase Efficiency and Profitability​

Achieve operational excellence in a volatile global marketplace.

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Shared Successes of World-Renowned Businesses

The tool is worth every penny, it’s absolutely a valuable and critical tool, there is nothing that I want that is not in the tool.

Does Part Risk Manager Work for You?

Component Engineers

View lifecycle statuses and projected lifecycle timelines for critical components to avoid costly obsolescence.

Design Engineers

Designs and requirements change. When they do, finding cross references and new parts has never been easier.

Strategic Sourcing

View lead time and pricing for 1b+ electronic and electromechanical parts. View pricing from authorized and private distributors.

Dynamic Pricing Based on Your Needs

Start mitigating component risk with a 14 day free trial

Free Trial

Data on 1 Billion+ Parts
Unlimited Part Search
BOM Upload & Reporting
10,000+ PCNs Tracked

Paid Subscription

Part Risk Manager pricing depends on how many parts you need data on and the number of users who need access.

To give you the best possible experience with Z2Data, we need to understand your specific needs.

Please request pricing below and we will be in touch to give you a personalized overview of the solution and discuss pricing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my data secure?

Z2Data is SOC 2 Type 1 and 2 compliant and goes through multiple penetration tests every year to ensure that our customers data is secure. To learn more about our security measure contact us!

Can I upload full BOMs in Part Risk Manager?

Z2Data's Part Risk Manager allows you to easily upload your most complex BOMs and populate data in a matter of seconds.

Can I receive parts data through APIs?

All the data that is available through Z2Data’s products can be accessed through API. All the data is also exportable if you would like to use it in your internal systems.

Can each module be stand alone or do they build on each other

No tool/module is required for the other tool/module to work. In other words, they can be used as standalone tools. Using them together provides more analysis and intelligence to the data around risk.

Is the 14-day free trial really free?

Yes! You can try all the capabilities of Z2Data's Part Risk Manager for free without a credit card or PO. Sign up here to get started!

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