Supply Chain Watch

Monitor your supply chain instantly by mapping your components to suppliers' manufacturing sites such as FABs, factories and assemblies.

Start Free Trial

Complete Visibility of your Supply Chain

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

PLM Sync & Integrations

Supply chain tools that integrate with your PLM systems

All Z2Data tools and solutions integrate with any PLM and ERP platform. Rather than having two different sources of data Z2Data allows you to consolidate data all in one location and continue to keep that data clean/updated as new supply chain data is continuously fed to your systems. With new updates, events, and changes occurring across the globe it is important to constantly receive clean and up to date data. This way, you know that your systems contain good quality data and easily sync with tools such as Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch solution.

For Supply Chain tools and datasets that integrate with your systems, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch.

PLM Sync & Integrations

Events Alerts

Receive alerts on the events that you care about

Across the world, there are 100s of disruptions occurring every day, however many of those events may not impact your supply chain. Rather than receiving notifications on every event that occurs near your manufacturing sites, you can request to receive notifications of events that only cause an actual impact that you should react to. You can choose specific event types i.e. geopolitical, natural disaster, etc. and/or only receive notifications on events that have a high probability of affecting your sites.

You can receive the alerts by email, if the event is of interest to you, you can explore further within the tool and mark the issue as resolved as you begin to adapt to the event accordingly. These alerts allow you to stay on top of events that are occurring around the world without being bombarded with notifications that (while they occur around your site locations) are not actually impacting your supply chain.

To receive alerts on the most pertinent events that impact your supply chain, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch.

Events Alerts

Event Monitoring & Mapping

Mapping dashboard of where events occur around the world

Rather than simply receiving notifications of where a supply chain disruption occurs, it helps to visualize these events, their epicenter, and how far they spread on a map. Z2Data displays every event that is impacting your supply chain on a map for you to visualize the location, size, and spread of the event. Within Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch tool, you can interact with each of the visualizations on the map to receive more detailed information about that event like what parts were affected, how many manufacturing sites, and alternative sites you can call to receive products on time.

This enables you to quickly see what sections of the world are affected by potential disruptions and investigate those disruptions accordingly. Z2Data is constantly monitoring events and updating the mapping dashboard accordingly. You can see in real-time certain events that are "closed" or no longer affect your geographies or new ones that you should be concerned with.

To visualize all supply chain disruptions on a mapping dashboard, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch.

Event Monitoring & Mapping
This is some text inside of a div block.

Natural Disaster Risk

How susceptible is my supply chain to natural disasters?

Get the latest update on Natural Disaster Events happening around the globe impacting sites that are critical to the production of your products.

Natural disasters have an immense impact on the supply chain from the closure of factories, airports, cancellation of flights, and ultimately increased lead times. Z2Data provides the latest information about natural disasters impacting your manufacturing locations, as our team is monitoring 24/7 all disasters around the world. Be proactive when responding to natural disasters by understanding your supply chain's susceptibility to potential disruptions.

Through the use of Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch, you receive detailed information on different types of natural disasters. The types of natural disasters that Z2Data provides data on include:

  • Hurricanes
  • Earthquakes
  • Floods
  • Heavy Rain
  • Thunderstorms
  • Typhoons
  • Winds
  • Winter Storms
  • Fog
  • Blizzards
  • Landslides
  • And more.

Easily view historical data and current data on the type of natural disaster, the severity, event description, and location. View the potential impact of the disaster on your site as calculated by Z2Data who is running analytics on-site geography, the severity of the event, and epicenter to tell you if your site truly is impacted or not. Just because your site was involved in a disruption does not mean that there is a real impact on your supply chain. Through Z2Data's forecasting technology you will receive notifications only on the natural disasters that directly impact your supply chain.

To monitor all natural disasters affecting your supply chain, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch.

Natural Disaster Risk

Event Severity & Impact

See the events that are impacting your supply chain

You may be tracking events that are within the same locations as your sites, but how do you know if those events will actually affect your supply chain or if they have no impact? Rather than getting alerts on every event that is happening near your sites, you can filter and only receive notifications on events that have a major impact on you. This way, everything you see requires action and you are not getting spammed with meaningless events that don't affect you.

When analyzing an event Z2Data first calculates the severity of that event, (magnitude of an earthquake for example) and then looks at the resiliency of your site to that event, meaning is your site resilient to floods and storms or has this particular disruption actually impacted your site. An event can have a severity impact on the below scale:

  • Minor
  • Moderate
  • Major
  • Severe
  • Extreme

Once the severity of the impact is understood Z2Data analyzes your site, the region, and the event itself to determine an impact probability score. This tells you the probability that your site will be impacted. We provide you with an estimated duration of the impact and what type of disruption it will cause i.e. manufacturing disruption, shipping delay, etc. Once you understand the probability that an event will impact you, you can build playbooks and adapt accordingly to these potential disruptions.

To only receive alerts on events that impact your supply chain sign up for a free trial of Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch.

Event Severity & Impact

Event to Site Mapping

Monitor events affecting your sites

Z2Data maps each of your parts to their respective manufacturing sites and the route they take throughout your supply chain into your final assembly sites. This allows you to track your parts' tier 1 and sub-tier manufacturing locations.

Z2Data is also monitoring all events that occur around the world. You can see all the events around the world that may affect your manufacturing site locations and thereby your parts. The different types of event categories that Supply Chain Watch tracks are the following:

  • Aviation
  • Food Incidents
  • Hazmat
  • General Incidents
  • Natural Disasters
  • Geo-Political & Trade Issues
  • Health and Disease
  • Crime & Terrorism
  • Labor & Human Slavery

Z2Data can map the size and spread of the event, thus allowing you to understand what sites it impacts and which sites it has not impacted. By understanding what type of event, and the effect it has on your site you can plan and adapt accordingly in order to limit the disruption to your supply chain.

To track all events that pose a risk to your supply chain, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch.

Event to Site Mapping

Site Risk Score

Understand the likelihood of a disruption to the manufacturing sites you use

Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch allows you to track your supplier's manufacturing locations in order to see where your parts are being produced and if there is a specific site that is causing problems to the timely delivery of a product. A few of the location types that you can monitor are:

  • Fabrication
  • Assembly
  • Test
  • System Assembly
  • Warehouse
  • Distribution Center

Z2Data assigns each of these sites a resilience score or how resilient they are to potential disruptions such as natural disasters, geopolitical issues, etc. Every site is given a score from 0-100. The higher the score the more resilient your site is to disruptions. Z2Data calculates the scores by looking at site resiliency to each of the below factors:

  • Overall Natural Disaster Risk
  • Overall Crime Risk
  • Overall Terrorism Risk
  • Country Stability Risk

With events and news happening every day, keeping track of all the events that could be affecting your supply chain by monitoring local news is a near-impossible task that takes time and labor. Z2Data obtains and regularly updates the information regarding disruptions to your supply chain. The data is then analyzed to provide you with calculated predictions around what segments of your supply chain you should be most concerned with.

To obtain an analysis of the strength of your sites, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch.

Site Resilience Score

Manufacturing Locations

Mapping your supplier's manufacturing sites

Z2Data looks at a multitude of different manufacturing/distribution locations. You can track supplier locations to see where each of your parts are being made and whether or not a specific site is causing a problem to the delivery of timely product. This way you know when your supply chain is slowing down and can take action to stay up to 100% efficiency. A few of the location types that you can track and map are:

  • Fabrication
  • Assembly
  • Test
  • System Assembly
  • Warehouse
  • Distribution Center

As the customer, you have the ability to customize the site types that are used here. Meaning you can edit the names of each of these site locations to fit internal terminology. Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch enables you to track the flow of your parts all the way to your final distribution centers. Z2Data also monitors not only the sites of your suppliers but also your sub-tier suppliers as you can track the movement of parts all the way to your final site location.

To understand where all your parts are being produced and manufactured, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch.

Manufacturing Locations

Part To Site Mapping

Map the manufacturing locations of each of your parts

Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch can tell you the manufacturing site locations for each of your parts and the route they take as they move into your final assembly sites. This capability is accessible for both your tier 1 and sub-tier supplier sites. You can avoid disruptions and tariff issues by knowing exactly where your parts are being produced. Many other organizations who map part to site locations are conducting a survey approach where they contact the suppliers and ask where the part is being manufactured. This takes a lot of time, is contingent on the supplier responding, and is only as accurate as the data the contact within that supplier provides.

Z2Data's process is different. Supply Chain Watch provides you with out of the box locations almost immediately. Z2Data categorizes locations in 3 main levels when mapping your sites:

  • Confirmed Locations: The part is confirmed to be manufactured at this exact site through verifiable sources (100% confidence).
  • 90% Confidence: The manufacturing sites of the part have been narrowed down to one or more from 5 maximum locations.
  • Possible: The manufacturing sites of the part have been narrowed down to more than 5 possible locations.

If the sites are in the 90% or "possible" levels, Z2Data's team will continue to investigate until those sites are moved to a confirmed status. This allows you to confidently know that your entire supply chain has been mapped out all the way to the sub-tier site level in an accurate manner within a fraction of the time.

To map your entire supply chain, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch.

Part To Site Mapping

Where Used

Which end products are affected due to disruptions in my supply chain?

When tracking the flow of parts through your supply chain, you may have to do some calculations to understand how many products are affected by one part. Z2Data maps out your entire supply chain for you and tells where each of your parts are manufactured. In addition to mapping, you can track the flow of parts up into your finished product. Thereby understanding which products are affected by which specific part or specific site. With Supply Chain Watch you will know immediately which end products are affected if a disruption were to occur at a specific manufacturing location. You can also display associated revenue amounts with each product to understand the revenue impact that every part and every site might have on your business.

Understanding what products are affected rather than simply what sites and parts, can allow you to plan with product teams and senior management around strategies that make sure products get to market on time and at a reasonable rate. In the event of certain disruptions, Z2Data provides you with alternative site locations you can use to ensure that delivery of your end product stays on time.

Reduce lead times and gain deeper insights into your supply chain by signing up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch.

Where Used

Benefits of Supply Chain Watch

Part to Site Mapping

Instantly map components in your bill of materials to manufacturing sites such as EMSs, FABs, assembly sites and factories. Geographic location mapping enables you to get a complete picture of your supply chain.

Site Details

Get in-depth data on each site location of your Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 suppliers. Conduct risk analysis based on natural disasters, historical events at each site and announcements from previous site events.

Risk Analysis

Get access to risk data for in-depth analysis based on part supply risk (sole-site vs multi-site), revenue impact by product type, country level risk and site level risk. Grade your suppliers and site locations instantly.

Event Monitoring

Monitor events that impact your site locations globally. Receive real-time and summarized alerts for impact analysis of your direct and sub-tier suppliers.

Predictive Site Risk

Predict which sites are more likely to undergo a supply chain disruption using Z2Data’s proprietary site risk algorithm

Lower Country Dependency

Z2Data’s Sourcing Status allows you to drill down into your highest risk parts based on single source/ country/site manufacturing.

Shared Successes of World-Renowned Businesses

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Increase Efficiency and Profitability​

Achieve operational excellence in a volatile global marketplace.

Start Free Trial

Does Supply Chain Watch Work for you?

Supply Chain Managers

Receive alerts on supplier-specific disruptions like geopolitical events, natural disasters, supplier changes, and more.

Supplier Managers

Prevent costly disruptions, by ensuring that all of your suppliers are in compliance with international rules and regulations.


Increase supplier transparency and reduce supplier risk to guarantee that your customers will receive their products on-time.

Dynamic Pricing Based on Your Needs

Start mitigating component risk with a 14 day free trial

Free Trial

Supply Chain Resilience Scores
Site & Supplier Data
Part to Site Mapping
Revenue & Product Impacts

Paid Subscription

Supply Chain Watch pricing depends on how many parts you need data on and the number of users who need access. To give you the best possible experience with Z2Data, we need to understand your specific needs.

Please request pricing below and we will be in touch to give you a personalized overview of the solution and discuss pricing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my data secure?

Z2Data is SOC 2 Type 1 and 2 compliant and goes through multiple penetration tests every year to ensure that our customers data is secure. To learn more about our security measure contact us!

Can I upload full BOMs in Supply Chain Watch?

Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch allows you to easily upload your most complex BOMs and populate data in a matter of seconds.

Can I receive parts data through APIs?

All the data that is available through Z2Data’s products can be accessed through API. All the data is also exportable if you would like to use it in your internal systems.

Can each module be stand alone or do they build on each other?

No tool/module is required for the other tool/module to work. In other words, they can be used as standalone tools. Using them together provides more analysis and intelligence to the data around risk.

Is the 14-day free trial really free?

Yes! You can try all the capabilities of Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch for free without a credit card or PO. Sign up here to get started!

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