Events Alerts

Receive alerts on the events that you care about

Across the world, there are 100s of disruptions occurring every day, however many of those events may not impact your supply chain. Rather than receiving notifications on every event that occurs near your manufacturing sites, you can request to receive notifications of events that only cause an actual impact that you should react to. You can choose specific event types i.e. geopolitical, natural disaster, etc. and/or only receive notifications on events that have a high probability of affecting your sites.

You can receive the alerts by email, if the event is of interest to you, you can explore further within the tool and mark the issue as resolved as you begin to adapt to the event accordingly. These alerts allow you to stay on top of events that are occurring around the world without being bombarded with notifications that (while they occur around your site locations) are not actually impacting your supply chain.

To receive alerts on the most pertinent events that impact your supply chain, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supply Chain Watch.

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